In what refers to the training provided by this course model, there are no rules about the level of income-specific. However, all personnel who have specific responsibilities on board must receive adequate training according to their duties and responsibilities, as detailed below in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
1. Training in crowd control requires captains, officers, sailors and other personnel on ro-ro and passenger ships (STCW 1978 code, section A-V/2 pa.1, and section A-V/3 pa.1).
2. Familiarization training required of captains, officers, sailors and other personnel that have been assigned specific duties and responsibilities on ro-ro passenger vessels and passenger ships (STCW code, section A-V/2 pa. 2, and section A-V/ 3 pa.2).
3. Security training required for staff to provide a direct service to passengers in these spaces (STCW code, section A-V/2 pa.3, and section A-V/ 3 pa.3)